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Showing posts from May, 2020

Solving Some Health Problems of Software Engineers

Hello guys hope you are stay safe. So I have some ideas about physical issues of software engineers face day today life. Clearly it’s about health problems. Positively our job is not whole life. It’s a part of our life. So we have to balance our life as well as job role. If we think about software engineering there are some things we must consider heavily. If we don’t consider them some day it will effect badly to us. In this duty time is more and more important. So I’m going to list down one by one some major threats. Problem : Bad Back Bad sitting and working postures can cause back and neck aches to occur. Constant sitting in one position is harmful, but unfortunately this is a necessary evil in our profession. Solutions Watch your posture while sitting. Keep an ergonomic environment Take breaks every hour or so and stretch. Don't let your body become stiff. Problem : Bad wrists If you're a knowledge worker, you likely spend hours upon hours scrolling...